General cigar company, now a subsidiary of the Scandinavian tobacco group, is the largest premium cigar manufacturer. Founded 115 years ago in 1906, GCC has more than 20 brands in its kitty, and that too some of the famous and much admired non-Cuban competition cigars with Cuban brands. Their history is so rooted that the General cigar company building in Evansville, Indiana, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
We handpicked fifteen popular cigars of different brands from General Cigars company and made a variety box for honoring their legacy. The variety pack includes cigars from Punch, Macanudo, CAO, Hoyo, and Partagas. Order it now at a discounted price.
1. Classico After Dinner EMS by punch
Made in Honduras, this hand-rolled Churchill has fillers from Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominic Republic with an Equador wrapper and a Connecticut broadleaf binder. Made by master crafters, After dinner got a rating of 92 and ranked 12 in the 2018 Cigaraficianados top 25 list. They mentioned that this cigar had beaten inflation and delivered more experience than the money spend.
2. Knuckle Buster by Punch
Born in 2020, This one carries a brass knuckle with it, and General Cigars made it for tough, hardworking people. Knuckle Buster comes in three vitola Robusto, Toro, and Gordo. It is made in Honduras with Honduran and Nicaraguan fillers wrapped in Nicaraguan Habano bond with a Nicaraguan binder. Unlike its pugnacious name, Knuckle buster is pocket-friendly, and even beginners can handle it easily.
3. Gran Puro Sasenta by Punch
One of the first Honduran puros, the Gran Puro Sesenta (6.25 x 60) has two more variants Santa Rita (4.5 x 52) and Pico Bonito(6 x 50). Gran Puro is famous amongst cigar lovers for its unique, satisfying taste and spicy flavors and the white ash it produces while burning. Gran Puro featured four times on Cigaraficianado top 25 list and is a must-try for cigar lovers.
4. Grand Cru No.II Maduro by Punch
No. II Maduro is a box-pressed torpedo variant of the Grand Cru has four more in the family. Grand Cru is wrapped in an Ecuador wrapper filled with Dominican, Honduran, and Nicaraguan fillers and used Connecticut broadleaf binder. The well-aged tobacco kicks into action when ignited, releasing its spicy, smooth punch. Grand Cru also was featured in the top 25 list in 2010. But, again, this is a non-Cuban cigar made in Honduras.
5. Partagas Black Label – Maximo
History of Non-Cuban Partagas started with the migration of the Cifuentes family from Cuba to the United States. Initially produced in Jamaica was later relocated to the Dominican Republic. This hand-made toro is filled with Nicaraguan Ligero and Dominican Pilato Cubano and wrapped in Connecticut Maduro broadleaf. Blacklabel Maximo is a strong and flavorous cigar packed in an aluminum tube.
6. Diablo Scamp by Punch
Almost all punch cigars are top-rated, and the diablo scamp also keeps the family legacy intact. Made by A.J Francis Cigars in Nicaragua, Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers are covered with Ecuador Maduro wrapper held together with Connecticut broadleaf. Puch diablo is pungent and peppery.
7. Macanudo Inspirado Orange
The Macanudo was the name of frontmark cigar, which General Cigar turned into a full-fledged brand. More interestingly, it carries a Partagas gene. This cigar is from the Inspirado line that debuted in 2014. Once an exclusive European, orange eventually entered the United States with an only retail shop tag. It has now shed its exclusivity and becomes a global hit selling in many countries. A blend of the best tobaccos from Nicaragua, Honduras, Inspirado Red is full of complex flavors of spice, sweet, and cream..
8. Macanudo Inspirado Green
Made in the Dominican Republic and the recent addition to the Macanudo Inspirado series, the Inspirado green brings a different personality and comes in three Vitolas Robusto, Toro, and Churchill. It has a dark Brazilian Arapiraca wrapper and Colombian Carmen Cubita, Dominican Piloto Cubano tobacco as fillers, and the binder from Indonesia. Inspirado Green tastes incredible with the mixture of earthy and cedar flavors.
9. Macanudo Café Hyde Park
The Café Hyde Park from Macanudo is the in the market for a pretty long time now. It was ranked 23 in Cigaraficianado’s list of top 25 Cigars in 2005, scoring 90. A very popular cigar amongst cigar lovers because of its mildness and smoothness and is a best seller. Smoke at any time for that flavorful experience. It’s a must-try for beginners.
10. Bones Blind Hughie by CAO
CAO started cigar making in 1993 and later merged with General Cigars. Launched in 2020, Blind Hughie is a hand-made cigar in Nicaragua. The creator behind this brand is Rick Rodriguez. His imagination of smoking the best cigar while playing dominos triggered the creation of CAO Bones. Bones contain a wide variety of tobacco Honduran Jamastran, Honduran La Entrada, Nicaraguan, Dominican Piloto Cubano fillers, Connecticut binder, and USA broadleaf wrapper. This cigar gives you a complex but balanced smoke. Blind Huggie is a toro from the four vitola, is a must-try for cigar enthusiasts.
11. Hoyo de Tradicion by Hoyo
Hoyo De Monterrey is a historical brand that started more than a century ago in Cuba; Original makers moved out of Cuba and created the Non-Cuban brand now owned by General cigar. This cigar is a tribute to the tradition of the original brand. Hoyo de Tradicion was positioned 23rd with a rating of 93 in Cigaraficianado’s top 25 list-2008. Hoyo de Tradicion is crafted with fillers from San Augustin Honduras, and Ometepe Nicaragua held together with Connecticut broadleaf covered in Honduran Jamastaran wrapper. The cigar is filled with creamy and spicy notes.
12. Excalibur by Hoyo
Excalibur is a well-crafted cigar. The variant we have is specifically called Excalibur short crystal with a length of 5.1/4 and a gauge of 50. Excalibur is a mild-medium-bodied cigar made in Honduras using fillers from Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic and uses Connecticut share for wrapping and binding. Beautiful golden brown cigar releases balanced notes of cinnamon and ginger. Excalibur is a consistent member of Cigaraficianado’s top list.
13. Hoyo Epicure Seleccion No.2
Another gem from Hoyo; Epicure Seleccion No.2 scored 87 points in Cigaraficianado 2020. This robust is made in Honduras with filler, binder, and wrapper, all from Honduras. Epicure is with medium to full-bodied flavor hints of coffee and mint.
14. El Rey Del Mundo
Non-Cuban king of the world. Yes, that is the meaning of El Rey Del Mundo is very popular. This brand started in 1980 in Honduras made with aged tobacco. This one is a bulky Robusto cigar filled and swathed with Honduran tobacco leaves and covered in Oscuro Connecticut broadleaf wrapper gives a smooth smoking experience with coffee and caramel flavors.
15. Flathead Carb (660) by CAO
A fat cigar from CAO, loaded with rich a
nd complex tobacco. Flathead box-pressed cigar is filled with Nicaraguan Ligero and Dominican Piloto Cubano bind with Cuban seed Connecticut Habano and draped in a dark Connecticut broadleaf. This cigar ranked number 3 in the 2015 Cigaraficianao top-25 list with 95 points. Named after a combustion engine carburetor(Carb) and its length and ring gauge( 6x 60) has fruity and leathery notes. To experience the ability of the Carb- you must try igniting one.